The Greatest Gift
The Greatest Gift God can grant man is a blessed child. The origin of a progeny is a child. A child is a gift of the Almighty God. Wherever we are and whatever we do, we are all gifts to the world through our fathers and mothers. We are gifts who shall be useful to ourselves, to our families and to the whole world – a commitment to fulfill the social contract in the environment in which we are.
Fathers and mothers must be torch bearers to brighten the path of their children. In the words of John F Kennedy, ‘A child mis-educated is a child lost’.
After parents have paved the way for their children, pouring splendor on their path ways, the children will remain teachable. An anonymous writer has tutored that man should never try to teach a pig to sing, because this action will waste the man’s time and annoy the pig. It is only when children are teachable that there can be a complete paradigm shift from a state of ignorance to light. In such an ‘Eden of capability’ an ideal transformation of a child can take place.
As a teacher I shall do my best to light the path of my progeny and it shall remain the best legacy I will bequeath to them. Ben Sweetland once said that ‘we cannot hold the torch to light another’s path without brightening our own’.

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